Facade restraints

Facade retention system

The facade retention system is a solution for restraining existing facades to new structures. By use of the patented facade restraint, the facade can be restrained whilst allowing both vertical and horizontal movement.

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Patented facade restraint component
Full existing assembled existing facade restraint system
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Applications and features


  • Facade retention system allows to connect existing facade to new structures during renovation projects where the developer wants to retain the original facade.


  • The patented design allows for both vertical and horizontal adjustment.
  • It can be used for any existing brick or masonry wall.

Product variant

The CFS facade retention system consists of a combination of two cast-in channels connected by patented "bobbin" to allow for vertical and horizontal adjustment.

Restraint system with cast-in channels

Typical installation

This detail shows the CFS bobbin attached between the existing facade and a new concrete slab.

Detail of restrained facade showing how you attach existing facade to the new concrete slab

This is a detail of attachment to the existing masonry or brick wall using resin anchor fixing whilst the channel surface is fixed to existing brickwork.

Detail of facade renetion system attached to the existing wall

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